Community Funding


We are proud to share the successful applicants for our Community Funding.

Community funding is a way to help build a vibrant and thriving city.

Ipswich City Council is committed to supporting community initiatives and partnerships that encourage participation in community life, foster social cohesion, celebrate culture and diversity, and contribute to a healthy and sustainable city.


Almost $1 million has been allocated to community groups and organisations through major and minor funding and other programs that support local groups with infrastructure, improvements and resilience-building.


Council also supports not-for-profit community organisations through Councillor Discretionary Funds, recognising the significant role they play in building a vibrant and thriving city.

Explore the Community Funding Financial Data

The below data outlines the total funds allocated to grant rounds from 2021-2022 through to the current financial year. We will continue to update this data throughout the financial year after funds are approved. All approved funding is correct at the time of publication. At the end of each financial year, funds are updated to actual expenditure. For this reason, some amounts may appear as negative to illustrate the funding amount returned to Council.


Please note Councillor Discretionary Funds are not included in this data but can be viewed further down this page.


There are several ways to view and explore the data. Hover your mouse over the graph to view the funds awarded to each grant round.


To explore the data in-depth, click on the graph and a new webpage will open with the entirety of the data. For ease of navigation, choose the data you would like to explore by using the ‘Categorized by’ drop-down option to view the Successful Applicants, Grant Rounds or Project Titles. The graph key on the right-hand side of the page lists the data in alphabetical order for ease of finding a specific item.


To learn more on how to explore this data, click here to view a video tutorial.

Explore our Community Funding and Successful Applicants

Council is proud to share the successful applicants for community funding. The below data represents the successful applicants for each funding program. To explore the data in-depth, click on the graph you would like to view.


If you are interested in learning more about the community funding Council offers, visit our website here.



Through the Community Events Funding program, Council supports not-for-profit organisations in the Ipswich LGA that are hosting and/or cultivating an event that has a wider community benefit.


Community Projects Funding supports not-for-profit organisations in the Ipswich LGA that have projects with a wider community benefit. The program provides financial assistance to a broad range of community organisations to assist them to deliver projects which respond to the strategies outlined in Council’s strategic plan, Advance Ipswich.


Through the Enviroplan Levy Community Funding program, Council supports not-for-profit organisations and wildlife carers working towards protecting and maintaining the natural environment within the Ipswich LGA. You can learn more about Enviroplan here.


Councillor Discretionary Funds allow for funds to be allocated to not-for-profit community organisations for community purposes, supporting community organisations to deliver initiatives that address identified local community needs. The maximum amount of funding available to an applicant community organisation for any one application is $1,000.00 per Councillor.


The Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Funding 2022 has been made possible through the sale of items as part of the Memorabilia Project. The funding supports projects that reinforce messages about positive behaviours, healthy relationships, and social norms that reject all forms of violence and raise awareness in the community of the destructive impacts of domestic and family violence.


The Small Business Resilience and Growth Program supported Ipswich businesses to navigate the current changing environment. The region’s small businesses have faced unprecedented impacts however continue to show strength and adapt to the new normal. To encourage further resilience and readiness, Council supported small businesses through a range of options – Reinvigorate, Go Digital or Business Owner Development.


Ipswich boasts a unique landscape with over 6,500 hectares of reserves and conservation estates. Council supports the Environment and Sustainability community funding to protect and maintain the natural environment of Ipswich and continually improve liveability within the city through sustainable practices.


The Façade Improvement program aims to provide an incentive to support businesses in improving their façades, as part of the overall strategy to stimulate wider investment by private business and property owners in the eligible area.


In-Kind Assistance is provided to community organisations to support the delivery of community and sporting events that engage the broader community and improve social, economic and/or environmental outcomes for the community. In-Kind Assistance is limited to Council store items, and the provision of refuse bins and portable toilets.

major and minor funding

Through the Major and Minor Funding Program, Council supports organisations to deliver one-off projects, events and activities for the benefit of the Ipswich local government area. The program provides financial assistance to a broad range of community organisations to assist them to deliver projects which respond to the strategies outlined in Council’s strategic plan, Advance Ipswich.

quick response

Quick Response Funding supports community organisations delivering small community initiatives that address local needs and achieve community development outcomes.

regional arts development fund

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Ipswich City Council. The fund invests in local arts and cultural priorities as determined by local communities across Queensland. Its flexibility enables local councils to tailor RADF programs to the specific needs of their communities.

Civic Events

Civic Events funding supports a portfolio of civic and ceremonial events each year for the benefit of the Ipswich community. These activities build community pride, foster positive relationships between the community and Council, connect the community in celebration, and recognise individual and community contributions.

covid-19 funding

The COVID-19 Funding programs were developed as part of the broader range of initiatives implemented by Ipswich City Council to support Ipswich-based community groups, organisations, and small businesses through and post the COVID-19 pandemic in the 2020/2021 financial year. The funding priorities were to help get Ipswich groups, organisations and small businesses back to business as usual, whilst also stimulating the local economy.

triennial grants

The Triennial Grants program was developed to support community organisations to pilot or trial innovative programs that addressed gaps in services within the Ipswich community. The Triennial Grants were designed to support community organisations to attract further ongoing funding to assist the initiative to become sustainable. These grants were allocated over a three-year period and are therefore no longer available.

Don't miss out on funding for your project!

If you would like to apply for funding, visit our website here and select Apply Now under the appropriate funding program.


You can also learn more about Council’s funding and support using Ipswich Grant Finder.


If you’d like more information or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact for more information.