BUDGET 2024–2025
Ipswich City Council handed down its budget on Thursday, 27 June 2024.
Ipswich City Council Budget 2024–2025
Ipswich City Council’s 2024–2025 Budget is dedicated to enhancing services and maintaining momentum in infrastructure development for our fast growing city. Council is focusing on sustainable growth, major road upgrades, and a commitment to free and low-cost services for all.
The 2024–2025 Budget is part of the Annual Plan, which aligns to the iFuture document: a 20-year community vision and Council’s five-year corporate plan.
You can access the 2024–2025 Budget here.
Revenue Budget
Expenses Budget
Revenue Budget by Service Category
The revenue presented in the service categories does not represents the complete Council budget revenue. The total Council budget also includes capital grant income, developer donated asset income, and developer cash contribution income.
Expenses Budget by Service Category
The expenditure presented in the services categories does not represent the complete Council budget. The total Council budget also includes depreciation expense, interest expense and other accounting adjustments which are not included in the service categories.
Ipswich City Council Capital Works Program
This three-year Capital Works Program has been developed for the 2024–2025 Budget and Long-Term Financial Forecast.
It includes Capital Works Programs for the following areas:
- transport and traffic
- flood mitigation and drainage
- parks, sport and environment
- local amenity
- corporate facilities
- asset rehabilitation
- fleet
- resource recovery
- corporate projects.
You can view the three-year Capital Works Program here.
Ipswich City Council Operational Plan
The City Operational Plan 2024–2025 deliverables, together with the relevant Corporate Plan catalyst projects, are presented through alignment with the iFuture themes:
- Vibrant and Growing
- Safe, Inclusive and Creative
- Natural and Sustainable
- A Trusted and Leading Organisation
You can view the Operational Plan here.
Ipswich City Council Core Business Services
Core business services are all activities undertaken by employees to meet the community’s needs and maintain the city. These include, but are not limited to, the maintenance of roads, collection of waste, operations of libraries and leisure centres, assessment of development applications, engagement with stakeholders and the management of internal support services.
You can view the Core Business Services plan here.
Ipswich City Council Waste Services Performance Plan
Council established Ipswich Waste Services as a commercial business unit in 1998 for the purpose of delivering a high level of waste management services to its customers in a cost effective, efficient, timely and responsive manner, applying commercial principles of service delivery.
You can view Ipswich City Council's Waste Services Performance Plan here.