State Investments

Investing, protecting, and growing State dollars

Investing on behalf of Illinois

State legislators budget public monies that are collected, but that money is not spent all at once. As such, state agencies, boards and commissions require assistance managing their cash and investing all remaining funds in authorized investment vehicles. That's where the Office of the Illinois Treasurer steps in.


As the state's Chief Investment Officer and Chief Banking Officer, the Office of the Illinois Treasurer is responsible for receiving and safekeeping all public monies of the State, ensuring liquidity is available to meet the State's obligations, and investing remaining funds in appropriate instruments that obtain the best risk-adjusted returns.


State Investments, which are invested and managed by the Office of the Illinois Treasurer, total approximately $25 billion.

Investment Pillars


  • Safety of Principal



  • Return on Investment



  • Liquidity



  • Diversification



  • Community Development



  • Sustainability


Investment Summary

As of December 31, 2024:

  • Portfolio Assets*: $36,232,690,458
  • Monthly Earnings: $124,239,757
  • 30-Day Yield**: 4.284%
  • 30-Day Effective Yield: 4.369%
  • Weighted Average Maturity: 452.61


*Portfolio Assets total includes $10,457,543,841.26 invested in The Illinois Funds. Securities Lending collateral invested in repurchase agreements in the amount of $5,149,105,747.81 is not included in the Portfolio Assets total.


**30-Day Yield is the Blended Earnings Allocation Rate


The Office of the Illinois State Treasurer uses industry benchmarks to ensure state dollars are placed in safe and lucrative investments. The Illinois Treasurer's goal is to consistently outperform the competition and exceed benchmarks.

State Investments Return vs. Competitors

State Investment Return vs. Blended Benchmark

State Investments Commercial Paper Return vs. Benchmark

State Investments Repurchase Agreement Return vs. Benchmark

State Investments Money Market Fund Return vs. Benchmark

State Investments Time Deposit Return vs. Benchmark