Capital Improvement Plan

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Annual Budget

Door Control Upgrade-Alpha Bravo Central

Project ID: 111999

Location: Hernando County Detention Center

Project Phase: Identification

Area of Operations: Jail

Project Manager: Jail

Funding Source: HCSO Reserve Fund

Current Fiscal year Budget: N/A

Grant Funded: No

Importance of Project:

Maintenance Project

Project Description

Update/Replace door controllers and computers in Alpha, Bravo and Central Control. Merge all existing FOB and Door Control systems, including Medical, under new system. Door control systems have become antiquated in both hardware and software. All systems need to be replaced/updated and merged into one system to accommodate current and future housing and security needs.

Project Background

Door control systems have become antiquated in both hardware and software.

Project Justification

All systems need to be replaced/updated and merged into one system to accommodate current and future housing and security needs.

Ramifications of Incomplete Project

Both hardware and software for the Door control systems will become outdated.