Project: FY24 Pavement Rehabilitation

Fund 210, 211, 212, 218, 406, 450/Project 05242

FY 2024 - 2033 Capital Improvement Program

Pictured above: Larchmont Street was repaved in July 2022 as part of the FY23 Pavement Rehabilitation Project.

Project Description

Every year, the City improves stretches of roadway throughout Hayward as part of its annual Pavement Improvement Program. The effort involves a combination of pavement rehabilitation and preventive maintenance. Pavement rehabilitation most often consists of spot repair of failed pavement areas and the application of hot mix asphalt overlay. City streets in significantly deteriorated condition will receive intensive structural repair work, which usually consists of full width grind in addition to spot repair and application of the asphalt overlay. Preventive maintenance efforts are reserved for streets in decent condition, and typically involve the application of crack sealing, spot repair, and micro-surfacing.