FY22-FY26 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and

FY22 Capital Budget Recommendation

Investing in the Future of Our City

Greetings Councilors and Framingham Residents,

The pandemic has brought many challenges. One of which includes sustaining an appropriate level of investment in our community while balancing a strategy of adequate reserves and liquidity to maintain services to our residents and businesses.

Through this lens, I present the FY22-26 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and make recommendations for investment in the FY22 Capital Budget component of the Plan. This is a five-year view of City government's capital needs developed by those departments that have custody of, operate, and maintain Framingham assets in the delivery of public services. Department managers and staff have used industry standards, best operating and maintenance practices, and physical evaluation of equipment, buildings, and infrastructure to determine the Capital Improvement Plan and the immediate needs for FY2022.

The General Fund Capital Budget for FY22 is a package of modest investment totaling $15.4 million. In the Utility Enterprise Fund during the evaluation of last year's FY2021 Capital Budget request, the City Council deferred a number of critical projects, with an option of returning in the fall to supplement what was approved in June of 2020. We have included ten projects totaling $3.7 million, which are listed in this Plan as expedited projects. We are requesting that these projects be approved in later winter, early spring to take advantage of the full construction season. These requests range from a replacement backhoe to additional testing for the Dudley Road landfill closeout to the start of the annual roadway improvement plan and repairs to water and sewer pipes and pump stations.

Let's talk a bit about our new format. We have contracted with OpenGov, a nation-wide company that provides and supports financial and data platforms to municipalities and other government entities. This capital budget is an interactive web page (as you see now) with links to capital project stories that include a description and supporting documentation, and financial information. In addition to particular pages for each project, we have this home page that provides summary data on the full CIP: by project type, by Department, and by asset type. For the FY22 Capital Budget, we include the plan views by Department, by recommended versus deferred, and by district. All of the information is not just searchable but live and interactive. We look forward to working with Councilors and the public to fine-tune the accessibility to our data.

This portal will be used to build both the School and municipal budgets and craft the budget reports; display financial reports including payment and payroll data; and display transactional data such as permit information, inspection data, demographic and election data, and education statistical data. We will work with staff, Councilors, boards, and commissions, and the public on how to use this portal, answer their questions, and understand important issues in government that impact the City. I hope you will all join us to take advantage of this new tool to understand better what's going on in your government.

Dr. Yvonne M. Spicer


FY22-26 Capital Improvement Plan Summary

The Capital Improvement Plan for FY22-26 (including the FY21 supplemental) totals $400,944,423. Hover your cursor over any of the stacked bars to see the the amount by by fiscal year.

The two charts below give you additional views of the same data, the left broken down by Department and the right broken down by fund. Place your cursor over the bars to see how much each department or asset type is and what percentage of the fiscal year that amount represents.

In the fund report, the blue bar is the General Fund, the light blue bar is the Sewer Enterprise and the Orange Bar is the Water Enterprise. The Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds were combined into one Utility Enteprise Fund several years ago, but we account for expenditures and revenues separately in order to allocate the correct costs to the rates for usage of water and sewer services.

Click on any white space in all these reports and go right to the report itself and change the views you see to get the data choice that answers your question. We will be working first with the Finance Subcommittee to walk them through the use of the platform to get the most out of their engagement with the FY22-26 CIP and FY22 Capital Budget proposals.

The CIP invests in many different types of City Assets

The City tracks the type of assets in its care and custody. The more common ones are: school and city buildings, park land, capital and utility equipment, water piping, sewer lines, streets & roads, playing fields and technology. The bar chart to the left is a linked report that illustrates the CIP by fiscal year and by asset type. Scroll your cursor over each stacked bar to see the value of each group of assets in each year of the plan.

If you would like to get a different view of this report, say as a pie chart, click anywhere in the white space of the chart and go directly to the report in the reports section of this platform. Once there, you can look at other vierws of this data, including the plan by department, by funding source and by project type.

22% of requests have been recommended for funding in FY22

Hover over the pie pieces to see the amount recommended by Department. Click on the white space in the reports to go directly to the report and not only see the pie chart, or change the view to a bar chart or a tree chart, but see the list of recommended projects. The section below is a list of projects which links directly to the detaila sheet for that project.

78% of requests have been deferred for FY22

Hover over the pie pieces to see the amounts deferred to a future fiscal year. This chart is viewed by Department. Click on the white space in the reports to go directly to the report and not only see the pie chart, or change the view to a bar chart or a tree chart, but see the list of recommended projects. The section below is a list of projects which links directly to the details sheet for that project.

Purple Box - FY21 Expedited Capital Improvement Projects
Turquoise Box - FY22 Recommended Capital Improvement Projects
Grey Box. Text: FY22 Deferred Capital Improvement Projects