Elizabeth Street Interchange and Bridge at Danville Bypass
FY 2025 Five-Year Capital & Special Projects Plan
Project Title: Elizabeth Street Interchange and Bridge at Danville Bypass
Project No: 61699
Department: Public Works
Division: Engineering
Construction of bridge and full interchange at Elizabeth Street and Danville Bypass (Route 29) per 2021 Construction Concept Design and Cost Estimate Study by AECOM.
US Route 29 serves as a vital link connecting the Piedmont Triad area in North Carolina to the Danville regional area. Route 29 is a limited access bypass expressway around the City of Danville and the Elizabeth Street connection is the only at-grade access. Concept design has been developed. Construction at the interchange will reduce travel time for surrounding residents and improve the safety of the highway system.
This at-grade intersection was the location of multiple fatalities in the mid-90s.
Funding Sources:
FY 2028 Start Preliminary Engineering.