Corporate Goals

Todos Santos Plaza Arch with Holiday Decorations

  1. Continue to make Concord a desirable place to live, work, and raise a family.
  2. Be responsive to the needs of Concord citizens, maintain a high level of customer satisfaction, and provide quality public information and outreach.
  3. Promote and improve Concord as a premier location for existing, expanding, and new businesses.
  4. Ensure a balanced budget for a ten-year planning period with adequate replacement funds for buildings and equipment.
  5. Preserve and enhance the livability of Concord's residential neighborhoods with opportunities for a broad range of housing options.
  6. Offer an array of recreation, leisure, and cultural events and programs to meet the needs of citizens of all ages, with an emphasis on the well-being of youth.
  7. Maintain a safe and efficient traffic circulation system.
  8. Have Concord be among the safest cities of comparable size in California and have citizens feel safe in their homes, places of work, and throughout the City.
  9. Maintain City parks, recreation facilities, streets, buildings, and other infrastructure to meet high standards of condition and appearance.
  10. Guide Concord's development according to the General Plan and manage physical resources based on sound environmental principles.