Engineering & Building

Public Works and Planning

FY 2021-22 Budget

Department Description

The Division consists of the following functions: Public Works Administration, Engineering and Building. Contract professionals provide the staffing for the day-to-day duties; the five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP); the County wide Storm Water NPDES permitting and maintenance program; annual sewer service maintenance and charges; solid waste, recycling and sustainability programs; sanitary sewer system maintenance and reporting requirements; right of way infrastructure, Geographical Information System (GIS) upkeep and other daily and annual service activities. The Division assists the Public Works Maintenance and Planning Divisions and the Town’s Police and Recreation Departments in their current and future infrastructure and facility needs. The Division provides comprehensive engineering, building inspection and CASp (Certified Access Specialist) inspection and consulting services; processes building, grading and encroachment permits; and provides plan review and inspection services for land development projects. These activities are partially supported by fees.


Public Works Administration, Engineering and Building Division services are provided under contract with CSG Consultants. The Division coordinates with the Public Works Maintenance Division but does not oversee operations.

Revenues Summary

The Engineering and Building departments generate revenues from permit activities. The fees and charges collected offsets the services provided for encroachment review, inspection, and other development activities. The fees and charges assessed are based on the City Council approved cost of service fee study and has a target recovery of 90%. The total FY 2021-22 Engineering & Building revenue budget is $229,000 and the expenditures budget is $939,000. The difference of $710,000 is supported by non-departmental General Fund revenues.

Expenditure Summary

The Engineering and Building Budget for FY 2021-22 is $939,000 or $207,000 more than the FY 2020-21 Estimated Actual. The main reason for the increase is the restoration of the Engineering and Building budget to pre-Covid levels. A majority of the departments budget is in contract services for general building and engineering support, and permitting for engineering and building.

Expenditure by Categories

Expenditure by Funds

Reasonable Accommodation

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