Community Mediation & Resolution


Housing & Human Services

FY2024 Budget

Program Budget Overview


  • Community Mediation and Resolution assists community members with a range of conflict resolution services with special emphasis on housing-related matters. Services include the Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Services program (EPRAS), mediation, restorative justice, meeting facilitation, and landlord-tenant information and resources. In addition to direct services by staff, this team collaborates with nonprofit legal consultants and restorative justice volunteers, and coordinates and serves a Tenant Advisory Committee. Staff also administer the Food Tax Rebate program; a rebate on municipal sales tax on food items to income-qualified individuals and families living in the city.

Sustainability, Equity and Resilience (SER) Goals & Objectives: Livable

  • Objectives
    • Prevent crime, alleviate harm, and improve quality of life for community members and visitors while minimizing disparate impacts on community members of color and considering the need of different cultures, individuals, and community values.
    • Cultivates a wide range of recreational, cultural, educational, civic, and social opportunities for all people regardless of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual identity, ability, or socioeconomic status.
    • Supports community members who are unhoused or underhoused to navigate systems, programs, and services to achieve housing security.
    • Furthers the city’s interests through the development and enhancement of strategic alliances and informed engagement with community partners and local, regional, state, and federal government entities.

Program Outcomes

  • The Community Mediation and Resolution program is aligned with HHS Strategic Goals including:
    • Reduced percentage of Boulder residents who experience foreclosure/eviction.
    • Reduced percentage of Boulder residents who report health care as a significant barrier.
    • Increased number of people eligible for accessing services, who use services.


  • # of referrals.
  • # of individuals accessing services.
  • Participant satisfaction surveys.