Capital Improvement Plan

Transportation & Mobility

Transportation & Mobility Capital Improvement Program Overview

The Transportation & Mobility Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the primary way in which the goals of the City of Boulder 2019 Transportation Master Plan are accomplished. These goals may include design and construction projects that provide transportation infrastrure enhancements, programs that help to preserve existing infrastructure, and other efforts and inititvies that improve safety and mobiility for residents and travlers in the community.

The city is making multimodal enhancements on 30th St. near CU's East Campus to make biking, walking, driving and taking transit in the area safer and more convenient. The improvements include adding protected bike lanes, wider sidewalks and new landscaping along 30th Street between Colorado Ave and Arapahoe Ave for a safer and more comfortable walking and bicycling experience.

Total Project Budget: $5,788,000

2023 Budget: $4,765,000

Estimated Completion Date: 2024

This project will reconstruct the 28th Street and Colorado Avenue intersection, adjacent to the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder.

The improvements include redesigning the intersection to include attributes of a protected intersection, as well as new separated bike lanes, a new bus lane, improved vehicle lane connections to 28th/US 36, and ADA improvements.

Total Project Budget: $2,630,000

2023 Budget: $2,504,000

Estimated Completion Date: 2024

The East Arapahoe Multi-Use Path and Transit Stops Project will fill in missing links in the multi-use path system and enhance bus stops along Arapahoe Avenue between 38th / Marine streets and Cherryvale Road.

This project is part of the larger East Arapahoe Transportation Plan.

Total Project Budget: $2,184,601

2023 Budget: $1,325,000

Estimated Completion Date: 2024

The Downtown Boulder Station Expansion Project will increase transit service capacity at the bus station and improve route efficiency and the transit rider experience. Planned improvements include adding on-street bus stop and layover space, wider sidewalks, information kiosks, signage, wayfinding, urban design and landscaping treatments. Redesigning 14th Street between Canyon Boulevard and north of Arapahoe Avenue to provide five additional bus gates that will accommodate existing and future transit service. Additionally, accessibility improvements to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design guidelines.

Total Project Budget: $982,000

2023 Budget: $755,031.

Estimated Completion Date: 2024

The city is focusing investments and resources to design and construct improvements on a “Core Arterial Network” (CAN). The CAN is the connected system of protected bicycle lanes, intersection enhancements, pedestrian facilities, and transit facility upgrades that will help reduce the potential for severe crashes and make it more comfortable and convenient for people to get where they need to go along Boulder’s main corridors.

In January 2022, the Boulder City Council, in partnership with the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), elevated work on the CAN as one of its 10 priorities for city department efforts. City Council will host a study session, tentatively slated for November 2022, to review project development progress.

2023-2028 Budget: $2,587,364

2023 Budget: $400,000

Estimated Completion Date: Ongoing

Through the city's Pavement Management Program (PMP), all streets in Boulder's 300-mile street system are inspected every three years to check existing conditions and guide where pavement repairs will be made.

The Pavement Management Program Mobility Enhancements Initiative incorporates bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements into annual pavement resurfacing work to help make our streets safer for walking and biking.

2023-2028 Budget: $31,371,788

2023 Budget: $4,850,000

Estimated Completion Date: Ongoing

Construction of missing sidewalk links supports "Pedestrian Policy Plan of the TMP" (Transportation Master Plan) by eliminating breaks and discontinuities in the sidewalk system and ensuring adequate connections to transit.

The Transportation and Mobility Department prioritizes the construction of small and large missing sidewalk link projects based on several factors, including existing utility and roadway conditions.

2023-2028 Budget: $875,000

2023 Budget: $125,000

Estimated Completion Date: Ongoing

The City has received grant funding to implement safety improvements at three signalized intersections, all of which were identified in the 2019 Vision Zero Safe Streets Report: Baseline Road and Broadway; Baseline Road and Mohawk Road; and at Folsom and Pine. Improvements vary for each location and will advance the objectives of Vision Zero.

Total Project Budget: $1,024,670

2023 Budget: $922,203

Estimated Completion Date: 2023

The City supports safe and efficient pedestrian travel. Crosswalks and other types of pedestrian infrastructure can help our community reach our Vision Zero goal of zero deaths and zero serious injuries on our streets. The city received funding from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Community Mobility Planning and Implementation (CMPI) 2019 grant program to construct new crosswalks or make enhancements to existing crosswalks at three locations in 2022: Aurora Avenue and Evans Drive, Colorado Avenue east of 33rd Street and 15th Street and Iris Avenue.

Total Project Budget: $291,000

Expected Completion: 2022