CIP Management

Accessible & Connected


FY2024 Budget

Program Budget Overview


  • CIP Management is responsible for the management of capital projects from design to construction. This includes consultant management, construction project documentation, processes, and grant administration. The current focus is on council priorities such as the Core Arterial Network, Vision Zero and capital maintenance programs and projects.

Summary of 2024 Budget Enhancements/Realignments:

  • This program budget includes 1 new FTE (Transportation Planner) to support construction project documentation, processes and grant administration ($102,000). This FTE is shared with the Transportation Planning program.

Sustainability, Equity and Resilience (SER) Goals & Objectives: Accessible and Connected

  • Objectives
    • Offers and encourages a variety of safe, comfortable, affordable, reliable, convenient, and clean mobility options.

Program Outcomes

  • Manage and deliver projects efficiently and effectively.
  • Efficiently manage construction project documentation, processes and grant administration.
  • Focus construction on council priorities such as the Core Arterial Network, Vision Zero and capital maintenance programs and projects.


  • Scope
  • Schedule
  • Budget