Accessible & Connected
Transportation & Mobility
FY2024 Budget
Program Budget Overview
- Transportation Maintenance includes the maintenance, operations, and repairs to city streets, bike paths, medians, underpasses, and contracted maintenance for state highways. This workgroup responds to emergencies and maintains mobility through weather-related events.
Summary of 2024 Budget Enhancements/Realignments:
- Additional equipment to support weather forecasting and to increase de-icing liquid storage capacity to enhance the Snow & Ice Program ($25,000).
- Addresses the significant cost increases related to the purchase of new vehicles and the maintenance of existing vehicles ($970,000).
Sustainability, Equity and Resilience (SER) Goals & Objectives: Accessible & Connected
- Objectives
- Offers and encourages a variety of safe, comfortable, affordable, reliable, convenient, and clean mobility options.
- Supports a balanced transportation system that reflects effective land use, manages congestion, and facilitates strong regional multimodal connections.
Program Outcomes
- Ensuring the safe movement of people and goods throughout the community.
- Currently measure snow and ice program performance with the storm recovery index. The data comes from an existing weather station and will improve with additional location inputs.
Snow and Ice
The Snow and Ice subprogram supports safe travel for all modes of transportation during snow events. Snow and ice control focuses on efficiency, effectiveness and safety in alignment with Transportation, Boulder Police Department, and Boulder Fire Department master plans by providing timely response and communication.
Pavement Maintenance and Potholes
Pavement maintenance and pothole repairs focus on extending the lifespan of streets and reducing capital maintenance costs. This is achieved through small and medium sized restorations and mill and overlay projects. Patch sizes rarely encompass the full width of a street and never include full width blocks of streets. Pothole repairs extend the life of pavement sections by removing and replacing small damaged areas by hand. This process reduces water infiltration into the sub grade and prevents damaged areas from growing larger.
Bikeways and Path Maintenance
This subprogram performs maintenance on multi-use paths to provide safe surfaces for users, clears debris and vegetation from path edges to reduce entanglements and hidden hazards, and performs graffiti removal.
Medians and Irrigation
Medians serve an important role in public safety by limiting conflict points along busy street arterials and have a calming effect on travel speeds. Further, medians provide an opportunity to enhance the city tree canopy, providing a cooling effect which is consistent with climate action and GHG goals. This program manages this important asset by maintaining vegetation within code compliance heights, repairs and adjusts irrigation infrastructure, removes and reduces noxious weed populations in public areas, and maintains sight lines at roadway crossings and entrances.
Street Sweeping
This subprogram manages the sweeping operations along city streets to prevent debris flowing into storm water systems and to reduce broken glass hazards for pedestrian and bicycle users.
Alley and Unpaved Road Maintenance
The core function of this subprogram is to smooth the driving surface in unpaved alleys to provide safe access to emergency response vehicles and general multi-modal public use