Capital Improvement Plan

Community Vitality

Spending on Projects within Community Vitality

Overview of Department Community Vitality

The Community Vitality Capital Improvement Program is focused on building and maintaining infrastructure and art installations and investing in maintenance measures to prolong the life of these valuable assets. Community Vitality manages several general improvement districts and district-owned assets including five parking structures, two of which have leasable commercial property. The Arts and Culture work group further utilizes 1% of all qualified capital projects budgeted citywide to integrate art into those projects. Community Vitality is also part of a cross-departmental Access Management and Parking Strategy (AMPS) to address Performance Based Pricing and the Residential Access Management program.

AMPS and NPP Study and Implementation

The Access Management and Parking Strategy (AMPS) was developed as a guide through which city staff, leadership, boards, commissions, and the community at large could work toward improving Boulder’s approach to multimodal access and parking management across the city and within special districts. This cross-departmental strategy includes Performance Based Pricing and the Residential Access Management program.

2023 Budget $129,200

Estimated Completion Date 12/31/2023

Public Art Signage

In August 2021, the Boulder Arts Commission adopted the Public Art Accessible Signage Plan. This guidance document was created as a resource to provide consistent information about Boulder’s public art collection. It includes standards for content, look, and materials. The plan details accessibility recommendations for each artwork including integration of multiple languages, tactile reproductions, and audio components. Additional off-site opportunities include storytelling, online content, and more. With adoption of the Accessible Signage Plan, all public art projects have standard labeling requirements moving forward.

2023 Budget $300,000

Estimated Completion Date 12/31/2023

1% For Public Art

Boulder has a long history of commissioning public artwork for the community's collection. Like many other cities, a percent for art program helps integrate works of art into many capital building projects by applying a formula of funding: 1% of the construction budget of certain capital projects will be used to integrate artwork into the building. This proposal for the FY2023 budget makes a change to that formula for Community Culture Resilience and Safety tax-funded projects: calculating the public art funding based on tax revenue rather than construction budgets. This will have the benefit of creating more flexibility in how the funds can be best allocated to integrate with building projects without any extra burden on the project budgets themselves.

2023-28 Budget $733,263

2023 Budget $110,751

Gateless System Installation

Gateless technology will allow for the entrance and exit of vehicles from city owned parking garages without stopping. This technology, currently utilized at the Trinity Garage and Boulder Junction, allows for an improved customer experience and reduced operating costs. This will coincide with the timing of the next phase of AMPS implementation. Installation will begin in 2022 with an anticipated completion in 2023.

2023 Budget $600,000

Estimated Completion Date 12/31/2023

HVAC System Repair-Replacement

This project is the planning, scoping, and construction of HVAC systems at the 1100 Spruce and 1500 Pearl parking structures. This impacts the parking areas, tenant spaces, and offices and represents a phased approach from 2023-2025.

2023-28 Budget $820,000

2023 Budget $500,000

Garage Deck & Structural Capital Maintenance

This project will address spandrel repairs near the stairs in the 1100 Spruce parking structure, as well as address additional deck repair work at the RTD parking structure. The project will also cover preventative maintenance work for the parking structure decks.

2023-28 Budget $3,500,000

2023 Budget $500,000

Randolph Garage Deck Repairs

The Central Area General Improvement District (CAGID) is a 50% owner of the Randolph Center at 1100 Walnut. This project will address water penetration and include sealing and structural repairs.

2023-28 Budget $800,000

2023 Budget $300,000

14th St Parking Lot Redevelopment

With the recent sale of the Pleasant St. parking lot for the Hill Hotel, this project aims to direct the sale proceeds back into the University Hill General Improvement District (UHGID) as an investment in the redevelopment of UHGID's 14th Street lot.

2023-28 Budget $2,700,000

2023 Budget $200,000

Boulder Junction Public Improvements

The Boulder Junction General Improvement District - Parking (BJAD-Parking) is responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of capital assets within the District. Beginning in 2022, funds have been set aside for public improvements and other related enhancements for the district. Upcoming projects include implementation of the KMA recommendations for wayfinding signage. A long-term planning effort with the Boulder Junction Commissions will take place in 2022 to help inform future investment.

2023-28 Budget $600,000

2023 Budget $100,000