City of Boulder Annual Budget
FUND Definitions and Fund Financials
GENERAL FUND - Accounts for the revenues and expenditures necessary to carry out basic governmental activities of the city such as public safety, human services, legal services, administrative services, and others which are not required to be accounted for in another fund.
SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - Accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, pension trusts, proprietary fund operations, and revenues received for major capital projects) that are legally restricted for specific purposes. The City of Boulder has the following special revenue funds:
- .25 Cent Sales Tax Fund accounts for earmarked 0.25% sales tax authorized by the voters in 1995 for parks and recreation operating and capital needs.
- Affordable Housing Fund accounts for cash in lieu of financial contributions from developers and General Fund contributions which are to be used to construct, purchase, and maintain permanently affordable housing units in Boulder. This fund is also used to cover administrative costs to run the program.
- Airport Fund accounts for the operations of the city-owned municipal airport. Financing is provided by grants, rents, and leases.
- Boulder Junction Access (GID) - Travel Demand Management Fund accounts for dedicated property tax and payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) authorized by the voters to fund transit bus passes, bike and car share programs, and infrastructure for the properties within the Boulder Junction access district.
- Boulder Municipal Property Authority (BMPA) Fund accounts for base rentals from the General Fund and Open Space Fund for the purpose of acquiring real and personal property and leasing, selling, or otherwise conveying the same to the city.
- Capital Development Fund accounts for development fee proceeds to be utilized for the acquisition, construction, and improvement of facilities necessary to maintain the current level of public amenities such as police, fire, library, human services, municipal offices, streets, and parks and recreation.
- Climate Action Plan (CAP) Fund accounts for tax levied on city residents and businesses and is based on the amount of electricity they consume, and funds programs related to increasing energy efficiency, increasing renewable energy use, reducing emissions from motor vehicles, and taking other steps toward the goal of meeting the Kyoto Protocol.
- Community Development Block Grant Fund accounts for the funds granted by the Community Development Block Grant program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to fund activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons.
- Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) Fund accounts for property tax, a housing excise tax, and fees to be used to increase the supply of affordable housing in Boulder.
- Eviction Prevention and Assistance Services (EPRAS) Fund accounts for long-term rental tax collected to provide legal and rental assistance for those facing a potential eviction. This fund was created in 2021.
- HOME Investment Partnership Grant Fund accounts for funds granted by the HOME program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to fund a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.
- Library Fund accounts for 0.333 mills of dedicated property tax, gifts, and donations to fund the operations of the city-owned library and branches.
- Lottery Fund accounts for State Conservation Trust Fund proceeds to be utilized for the acquisition, development, and maintenance of new conservation sites or for capital improvements or maintenance for recreational purposes on any public site.
- Open Space Fund accounts for dedicated sales tax for the acquisition and maintenance of open space land.
- Planning & Development Services Fund accounts for fees for services related to development and building services functions.
- Recreation Activity Fund accounts for fees for services related to the provision of recreation, reservoir, and golf course services/programs.
- Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Distribution Tax Fund accounts for two cents per ounce excise tax on the distribution of beverages with added sugar and other sweeteners to fund programs related to health promotion, general wellness programs, and chronic disease prevention that improve health equity, and other health programs especially for low-income residents and those most affected by chronic disease linked to sugary drink consumption.
- Transit Pass GID Fund accounts for earmarked property tax authorized by the voters in 2000 to fund bus transit passes for participating neighborhoods.
- Transportation Development Fund accounts for development fees to be utilized for the construction of transportation capital improvements related to new development and growth.
- Transportation Fund accounts for dedicated sales tax and supplemented by city’s share of the county road and bridge tax, state highway users’ tax, and state auto registration fees for the construction operation, and maintenance of all major thoroughfares, local streets, bikeways, and walkways.
CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - Accounts for financial resources to be used for acquisition, construction, and improvement of general fixed assets (other than those financed by Proprietary Funds). The City of Boulder has the following Capital Project Funds:
- Boulder Junction Improvement Fund accounts for a portion of the use taxes collected from development in the area for the development of a new “Boulder Junction” 160-acre site located around 30th and Pearl Streets
- Community, Culture, Resilience, & Safety (CCRS) Fund accounts for dedicated sales tax for the construction and improvement of capital assets outlined within the ballot language including improving community spaces, bolstering cultural projects and organizations, and enhancing safety.
- Governmental Capital Fund accounts for a transfer from the General Fund to provide funding for general capital projects throughout the city.
- Permanent Park & Recreation Fund accounts for 0.900 mills of dedicated property tax for the acquisition of park land or permanent improvements of park and recreation facilities.
ENTERPRISE FUNDS - Established to finance and account for the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of governmental facilities and services which are entirely or predominantly self-supporting by user charges. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in these funds, including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service, and billing collections. The City of Boulder has the following Enterprise Funds:
- Boulder Junction Access (GID) - Parking Fund accounts for dedicated property tax and fees to fund programs to meet the parking facilities and service goals.
- Downtown Commercial District Fund (formerly CAGID) accounts for dedicated property tax and fees for the maintenance and operations of parking facilities and services to the district.
- Stormwater/Flood Management Utility Fund accounts for user fees and plant investment fees to support the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of stormwater and flood management facilities.
- University Hill Commercial District Fund (formerly UHGID) accounts for dedicated property tax and fees for the maintenance and operations of parking facilities and services to the district.
- Wastewater Utility Fund accounts for user fees and plant investment fees to support the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of wastewater facilities.
- Water Utility Fund accounts for user fees and plant investment fees to support the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of water facilities.
INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - Established to finance and account for services and/or commodities required by other funds. The City of Boulder has the following Internal Service Funds:
- Compensated Absences Fund accounts for a transfer from the General Fund for allowable payments (typically outstanding vacation accrual) to employees existing the organization.
- Computer Replacement Fund accounts for internal department transfers for the costs of acquiring and maintaining computer equipment used by other city departments.
- Dental Self-Insurance Fund accounts for employee and city premium dental contributions and claims payments; and facilitates the monitoring of the city’s self-insured employee dental plan.
- Equipment Replacement Fund accounts for internal department transfers for the costs of acquiring equipment used by other city departments.
- Facility Renovation & Replacement Fund accounts for internal department transfers for the costs of maintaining and replacing facilities within the City of Boulder.
- Fleet Operations & Replacement Fund accounts for internal department transfers for the costs of acquiring automotive equipment used by other city departments, as well as the associated operating and maintenance costs.
- Medical Self-Insurance Fund accounts for employee and city premium medical contributions and claims payments; and facilitates the monitoring of the city’s self-insured employee medical plan.
- Property & Casualty Insurance Fund accounts for internal department transfers and facilitates the monitoring of the city’s self- insured property & casualty insurance plan.
- Telecommunications Fund accounts for internal department transfers for the costs of operating, acquiring, and maintaining telecommunications equipment used by all city departments.
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund accounts for internal department transfers and facilitates the monitoring of the city’s self-insured workers compensation plan.
PENSION TRUST FUNDS - Accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement annuity payments at appropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by employees and the City of Boulder at amounts determined by biennial actuarial studies and by state law.
Fire Pension Fund accounts for retirement annuity payments for the City of Boulder’s firefighters.
- Police Pension Fund accounts for retirement annuity payments for the City of Boulder’s police officers.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary
Adopted Budget Reconciliation & Ordinance