Family Services
Healthy & Socially Thriving
Housing & Human Services
FY2024 Budget
Program Budget Overview
- Family Services includes the Child Care Subsidy Program (CCS), subsidies to support childcare providers in offering financial assistance to low- and lower- middle-income families for quality, affordable childcare, and Family Resource Schools (FRS), a partnership with the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) to provide outreach, direct services and referrals for families and children to remove academic and non-academic barriers to success in five Boulder elementary schools. Family Services promotes youth leadership development and civic engagement through the Youth Opportunities Program (YOP) and the Youth Opportunities Advisory Board (YOAB), which advises the city on youth-related issues in the community.
Sustainability, Equity and Resilience (SER) Goals & Objectives: Healthy & Socially Thriving
- Objectives
- Cultivates a wide range of recreational, cultural, educational, civic, and social opportunities for all people regardless of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual identity, ability, or socioeconomic status.
- Enhances and facilitates transparency, accuracy, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality customer service in all city business.
- Fosters a collaborative, resource-rich, and thriving regional environment for business, educational, and public institutions.
Program Outcomes
- The Family Services program is aligned with HHS Strategic Goals including:
- Caregiving: Reduced percentage of Boulder residents who report caregiving as a significant barrier.
- Employment: Increased percentage of eligible individuals who are enrolled in benefits.
- Inclusivity outcomes of public engagement, community safety, and belonging.
- Affordability outcomes regarding job knowledge and skills, increased financial knowledge and skills.
- Public Engagement: increased percentage of public events, trainings, and materials provided in a language other than English.
- Youth perspective - types and levels of engagement satisfaction with engagement.
- Program/organizational perspective - % increase in youth participation in leadership and engagement offerings
- Development of policies focused on serving youths.
- Youth participation in development of policies and planning.
- Feedback from parents, BVSD, and other youth-serving organizations.
- Measures associated with Keep Families Housed (as reported under Community Investments).