City of Boulder Annual Budget
TransParency POrtal
For those seeking a deeper dive into line item detail, we also have the Transparency Portal, which includes all of the data behind the online budget book. This portal can be a bit overwhelming with information, so here are a few tips for using this site:
- The first item to note in the portal is the menu of Reports on the left of the screen. The Reports listed here are all pulling into the online budget book in various ways. There are some that are more helpful to budget review:
- Expenditure by Program. This report will compare 2023 Base Budget, to 2023 Proposed Enhancements, to 2023 Total Budget.
- Sources & Uses. This report will provide citywide information related to sources and uses and compare 2021 Actuals, to 2022 Adopted Budget, to 2023 Recommended Budget.
- Six Year CIP. This report will provide capital project detail for the Capital Improvement Program.
- Report Navigation:
- If you scroll down the left bar, below the Reports tab, you will see two additional tabs for “Filters” and “Views”.
- The “Views” tab will provide you pre-saved filtered views, and each view will be slightly different based on the Report you are in.
- The “Filters” tab is where you will have the most control over slicing the information in different ways. You can use the filters to focus on certain departments or funds. After filtering to the specific program, departments, and/or fund, you can use the drop down “Broken Down By” to select a level of detail to display. A couple of helpful ones:
- Org Program. This will give you the detail by Program area.
- Expense Type. This will give you an equivalent of line-item detail, based on our accounting system. This is the most granular level to view the budget information.
- CIP Project (use in Six Year CIP report only). This will provide the breakdown of expenses by capital project.
- Another helpful tip in the “Filters” tab is the search function within the filter options. For example, if you click on “Org Program” in the list of filters, you can search for a specific program and filter to only that program.
We encourage the use of the narrative in the online budget book pages as a good starting place before diving into the portal. We also appreciate that everyone will have a slightly different approach to budget review and invite continued feedback on the presentation of information and anything additional that we should highlight. Thank you.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Summary