Other Available Funds

Other Available Funds are derived from legally restricted funds and can only be used to offset related appropriations. The anticipated amount available to defray FY21 appropriations is $4.47 million, an increase of $1,121,565 (34%) from the amount available in FY20.

  1. Parking Meter Receipts – the Municipal Modernization Act now allows revenue generated from parking meters to revert to the city or town’s general fund. This item became a Local Receipt in FY18. It is recommended that the balance remaining in the old account ($1,182,005) be transferred to support CIP roadway and parking meter appropriations.
  2. Walnut Hills Cemetery Funds - these are receipts from the sale of lots and services. The transfer from these funds to the General Fund is to reimburse the General Fund for a portion of the expenses associated with the operation of the cemetery, which is funded in the DPW budget. It level-funded at $100,000, which covers approximately 34% of cemetery operating costs.
  3. Golf Enterprise Fund Reimbursement - this reimbursement to the General Fund consists of the fringe benefit costs associated with those employees whose salaries are charged to the Enterprise Fund, supervision/overhead, re-payment of the FY13 Town loan (new maintenance facility), and property insurance. The reimbursement decreases $85,685 (28.6%) to $213,998.
  4. Recreation Revolving Fund Reimbursement - this reimbursement to the General Fund represents the fringe benefit costs associated with those employees whose salaries are funded in the Revolving Fund. Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 44, Section 53E ½, the statute under which the Recreation Revolving Fund was established, mandates that "[N]o revolving fund expenditures shall be made for the purpose of paying any wages or salaries for full time employees unless such revolving fund is also charged for the costs of fringe benefits associated with the wages or salaries so paid." Therefore, with full-time employees being charged to the fund, fringe benefits must be charged. The FY21 reimbursement increases $74,761 (16.7%) to $545,788.
  5. Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund Reimbursement - this reimbursement to the General Fund consists of fringe benefits and certain interdepartmental expenses. The reimbursement increases $111,726 (4.8%) to $2.43 million.
  6. Tax Abatement Reserve Surplus - also known as the Overlay Reserve Surplus, the Town's Fiscal Policies dictate that these funds be used to support one-time expenses. No such funding is planned for FY21.
  7. Capital Project Surplus - Remaining balances from previously appropriated capital projects can be used to support the CIP. No such use is planned for FY21.
  8. Sale of Town-owned Land Fund - Chapter 44, Section 63 of Massachusetts General Laws requires the proceeds from the sale of any publicly-owned land, except for property acquired through tax title foreclosures, be placed in a separate fund and be used for paying any debt service associated with the acquisition of the land. If no indebtedness exists, then the proceeds can be used for any purpose for which a municipality is authorized to incur debt. No funds from this revenue source are planned for FY21.