Free Cash

Free Cash, which is certified as of July 1 each year by the Commonwealth's Department of Revenue (DOR), represents the portion of General Fund surplus revenue that is unrestricted and available for appropriation. Free Cash is generated when the actual operating results compare favorably with the budget, such as when actual revenues exceed the original estimates and/or when actual expenditures are less than appropriated. It is also affected by increases or decreases in uncollected property taxes, non-General Fund deficit balances, and any other legally incurred operating deficits. These funds, once certified, may be used to support supplemental appropriations during the year, to support the ensuing fiscal year's budget, or to reduce the tax levy. The Town's Free Cash Policy, which can be found in its entirety in the Appendix of this Financial Plan, prioritizes the use of Free Cash in the following manner:

  1. Budget Reserve – 25% of the annual reserve fund
  2. Unreserved Fund Balance / Stabilization Fund – maintain at a minimum of 10% of revenue
  3. Liability / Catastrophe Fund – maintain at 1% of net revenue
  4. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – bring CIP funding up to 7.5% from the 6% CIP Policy
  5. Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) – deposit if the fund balance is less than $5 million
  6. Special Use – augment trust funds related to fringe benefits, unfunded liabilities related to employee benefits, and other one-time uses, including additional funding for the CIP

From FY91 through FY93, Free Cash was certified with negative balances, as can be seen in the graph to the right. Very tight budgeting and unusually large delinquent tax balances created this situation. This condition began to improve in FY94. Since then, the combination of adopting prudent fiscal policies, more conservative revenue estimates, and closely monitoring expenditures have contributed to the favorable levels of Free Cash. The Free Cash certification for funds available for use in FY23 (i.e., Free Cash as of 7/1/21) is $14,206,813. However, as discussed in the Town Administrator's Budget Message, this Financial Plan spends $11.6 million, leaving $2.6 million unappropriated to help improve the Town's undesignated fund balance position. The breakout below shows where Free Cash is allocated in accordance with the Town's Free Cash policy.